Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Step two...

Wow the first few weeks of this term have gone by in a blur.
I have been busy planning and laying some ground work with my class over the past few weeks. Here's a quick overview;
Week One: Just settling back into school for an exciting new term.

Week Two: I have a very productive release day catching up on the other E-Fellow online, sorting out student permission forms and looking at the baseline writing data of the students.

Week Three and it's all go!
This week I dived into writing up my action plan for the rest of the term and gathering resources. I also had a lovely visit from Michael (CORE Education) on the Wednesday to look at things so far.
The Room 3 Learning Team also began looking at how authors and illustrators show what the characters in their stories look like, feel and act. Our favourite book this week was The Best Loved Bear by Diana Noonan. The English Exemplars provided a great base to plan from.

It has been a great experience engaging the student with the text and looking at what the text and illustrations are telling us about the character. I am looking forward to developing a character of our own, as a class, next week.

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